• “Weonia” and “Sunset Valley” are located *20km West of Bollon on the Balonne Highway with dual Highway frontage.
• *325km from Roma and *425km to Dalby, and *593km to Dubbo.
• The total aggregation is 25,650 Hectares or 63,381 Acres and located in the Balonne Shire.
• Rates – $10,265.44 half yearly not including discount.
• 450mm average annual rainfall.
• The boundary fencing is fully exclusion fenced. The internal fences are fit for purpose and in good condition.
• Well-watered via 2 flowing artesian bores, supplying 86 troughs and 66x 5,000 Gallon Tanks.
• Sandalwood, Box, Mulga, Wilga and Carbene Timber with red loamy soils.
• Areas of Coolabah and Gidyea, and a small area of Brigalow/Belah country with grey soils.
• Open Buffel grass paddocks with Lambs Tongue, Clover, and Crows Foot being the winter herbages.
• Paterson Creek offers numerous holes and small areas of flooding.
• Large stands of low Mulga reserves scattered throughout most of the paddocks with excellent PMAV.
• 2x homes, 2x cottages, 4x sheds, 2x steel cattle yards and 1x sheep/goat yards.
Property Features
- Other
- Land is 25,650 hectare