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Surat's Pocket of Grazing Paradise

" Spring Grove ", SURAT QLD 4417

An excellent pocket of country located *7km to Surat and *73km to Roma. Bitumen frontage with good access to cattle yards and houses. Well positioned to major selling centres, feedlots, grain, and fodder outlets.
• 50-100mm of rain over the property last week, setting up for a good season for fattening cattle, with property full destocked for new Owners
• Productive soil types comprising of deep loams to chocolate soils with the benefits of interspersing into quick responding deep, soft red loamy soils adding to the dynamics and balance of the property, naturally adding kilos to stock.
• 2,495.97 Hectares or 6,167 Acres, 3 Freehold Titles
• Originally timbered with Bauhinia, Belah, Brigalow, Kurrajong, and Wilga, heavily pastured with thick stands of Buffel. *1340 Acres have previously been farmed and returned to pastures.
• Excellent water monitored by the Farmbot system on a mobile phone and computer. Watered by a flowing bore, supplying a 275,000-litre Rhino tank reticulating water across the property via a solar pump, double frontage to Bungil Creek permanent water hole and a backup dam.
• *5km exclusion fence, subdivided into 14 main paddocks, central laneway system into cattle yards, making it stress-free on stock and stockmen.
• Highset 4-bedroom air-conditioned home, large front deck, machinery shed, workshop, storage shed, donga and a good set of steel cattle yards comfortably working *600 head, 5-way draft pound and two water troughs.
• Mobile coverage, internet, mail service twice a week, school bus to front gate, schooling at Surat Prep to Year 10 and Roma Prep to Year 12. Roma and Surat supply all the usual facilities of a rural district in retail and banking, including numerous sporting and cultural facilities.
• “Spring Grove” is tick free and is currently European Union Accredited (EUCAS) – hormone free and lifetime traceability meeting audit requirements.

“Spring Grove” is considered a safe rainfall area, with an average of *23 inches recorded over 140 years. Secure water supply, great location, proven production history and easily managed are just a few reasons it’s worth an inspection. Inspections by appointment only with the Selling Agents.

Property Features
  • Other
  • 4 bed
  • Land is 2,495.97 hectare

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