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67 Angus Heifers

Category Heifers
Sale Type AuctionsPlus
Location The Gums
Date 17/01/2025
Reference Link Click for AuctionsPlus
Weight Av. 275.3kg (at delivery)

A/c Moolaboola Pastoral, The Gums

11-13 months
Buyers 67 Well Bred Angus heifers presenting with a good frame in a store condition. Heifers average 275.9kg at delivery. Heifers are by Stud Bull Oak Well Angus Bulls out of very fertile Productive angus Cows. All heifers have good bone and structure. Please note some heifers have white on the under area. These heifers will make good replacement Females or will perform very well on either crop or grain. Vendor has 61 feeder heifers in same sale.

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