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24 Angus & Charbray Weaned Heifers

Category Heifers
Sale Type AuctionsPlus
Location Biggenden
Date 07/06/2024
Reference Link Click for AuctionsPlus
Weight Av. 216.8kg

A/c Tawah Grazing
10 Droughtmaster / Droughtmaster
9 Charbray / Droughtmaster
5 Angus / Droughtmaster
6 – 10 Months
A line of weaned Angus and Charbray cross heifers which have had all the hard work done on them. Weaned and tailed out for 3 weeks these heifers have been bred on light forest country and have good frame. Sired by Marcella Angus and Marland Charbray bulls out of Droughtmaster cows these heifers have been handled via rotational grazing their whole life. Please note vendor has a line of steers in the same sale.

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