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102 Droughtmaster X Heifers

Category Heifers
Sale Type AuctionsPlus
Location Quilpie
Date 07/06/2024
Reference Link Click for AuctionsPlus
Weight Avg. 272.9kg

A/c RH & ER Morris, Quilpie
On offer is 3 decks of Droughtmaster Cross heifers that have averaged 272.9kg curfewed. Ideal heifers to carry on as breeders or for feeder or export markets in the future. These heifers have been weaned and educated through the yards and handle very well in the paddock with a aircraft and capable stockmen on motorbikes. Medium to large frame heifers that should put weight on quickly given the opportunity. They stand on good bone and have the depth, length and structure to make ideal heifers to take through to the heavier weights. These heifers have never had antibiotics, grain or HGP in their lives.

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